After midnight already. Time is flying. The past several hours I spent working on my camera. Using the Magic Lantern firmware in my Canon now and like it so far. But after dealing with that and working on the website stuff, my mind is fried. Computer in front of me, jelly beans on the left and my dry eraser board on my right. Still, there's a feeling that soon as I am done typing here, I'm closing shop. 

I'm a SAHD (Stay-at-Home-Dad) and lately work has been quite busy, especially on the video side. So, as I attempt all my editing, this sweet yet demanding voice calls for me quite a bit. Pulls me out of my zone. Maybe a little Colorado medicinal help will soothe things down. Maybe play some U2 and practice like The Edge on my guitar. 

There's a lot going on in this rebuilding phase of Sector 4 Films and my photography. Looks like I am going to be busy for quite awhile. The pains will be real, but so will those sweet moments of reward when someone gushes at their own photograph or nails a line in the script. 

OK, jelly beans and dry eraser board, you have the rest of the night off. I'm going to play guitar till I'm crashed out. Whoever you are reading this, thank you for taking the time. 
