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Man I am just eager as all get out to have this garage/studio conversion done. My 37" octagon soft boxes are ready to light some faces up and bring out the beauty in everyone! I'll even take Vladimir Putin and show you his soft side, I'll have him rolling on the ground like a bear letting me scratch his belly. Shouldn't be long till it's all operational for the studio since all that's left is a 2nd coat of paint and then moving furnishings and equipment in. The desire is to make this little home studio a very comfy place to come have your photograph made and have a fantastic time doing. My inspirations range from Richard Avedon to Peter Hurley, so anything can happen, but that anything will be REAL...it will be the subjects truth I seek. 

Am so amazed at the photographers out there these days. The work they do, is motivating. Used to make me question why even get out of bed with these rockstars out there, like Jaclyn Church Photography in Dallas. Jaclyn worked as a camera operator on a recent film project and I was blown away by her ease at achieving some amazing shots. Now that I am past my initial "not worthy" syndrome and can look at my face in the mirror, again. It's time to learn from these bad asses and see where I can apply my style. 

Nearing time to get back into the studio and paint that 2nd coat and be done with it...and done with my poor, sweet Chucks that kept my feet from getting painted up. Had those kicks for around 5 years or better, so time to retire them...or is it. hmm.

Hey man, thanks for reading. I'll attempt some more dangerous writing as time progresses. Without a stunt-man! 

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Jelly Beans and a Dry Eraser board

After midnight already. Time is flying. The past several hours I spent working on my camera. Using the Magic Lantern firmware in my Canon now and like it so far. But after dealing with that and working on the website stuff, my mind is fried. Computer in front of me, jelly beans on the left and my dry eraser board on my right. Still, there's a feeling that soon as I am done typing here, I'm closing shop. 

I'm a SAHD (Stay-at-Home-Dad) and lately work has been quite busy, especially on the video side. So, as I attempt all my editing, this sweet yet demanding voice calls for me quite a bit. Pulls me out of my zone. Maybe a little Colorado medicinal help will soothe things down. Maybe play some U2 and practice like The Edge on my guitar. 

There's a lot going on in this rebuilding phase of Sector 4 Films and my Rock360.org photography. Looks like I am going to be busy for quite awhile. The pains will be real, but so will those sweet moments of reward when someone gushes at their own photograph or nails a line in the script. 

OK, jelly beans and dry eraser board, you have the rest of the night off. I'm going to play guitar till I'm crashed out. Whoever you are reading this, thank you for taking the time. 



Cheers to revitalization

Revamped the whole website here, from design to content, plenty of new to absorb.

The filmmaking side of my world has me behind on where I want to be with my photographs. The studio conversion of our late garage has taken pause while I edit most my day. That and being a SAHD (Stay-at-home-dad) are enough to overwhelm.

Still, I've loaded myself down,  committed to taking on a role in a feature film titled, Dead Fellas. My friend Bryan Massey is directing this comedy starring Eric Roberts. Then today I received word to submit for a small role in a new James Franco film, Kill the Czar.

With my plate full, I'm also spending time writing my own flagship feature film, Bonita! Nothing excites me more than delving into Bonita with 100% focus. Bonita and my photography, of course. Soon, will be adding more content to the Portraiture and Sensual sections of my portfolio. There's not nearly enough time in a day to accomplish what my heart bleeds for. Yet in that frustration, might be a tool I can use to push myself, to grind harder and exceed expectations. 
